A CRM built for small businesses.
Manage customer data in the same platform you use to gather reviews, payments, and feedback with RockitPRO’s CRM for small businesses.
Sophia Johnson
“RockitPRO is just so efficient for the entire team. It’s not just for the business development center. It’s for service, it’s for sales, it’s for the receptionists. All in one program.”
Conversations handled with
RockitPRO last year
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Noah Williams
“Our phone used to ring off the hook. We’d have 4-5 calls going at one time. Moving those conversations to text is really helpful.
10+ hrs
Saved per week
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Ethan Davis
“I now have a way to communicate with my customers during the hours they want to and with their preferred form of communication – I just sold a $3,600 digital piano while eating breakfast yesterday!”
Increase in monthly reviews
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See RockitPRO in action.
Do it all in RockitPRO. Track it with our CRM for small businesses.
Personalize Customer experience
Give every conversation a personal touch.
Contact Profiles in RockitPRO make it easy to create a tailored experience for every customer. See every customer interaction and full conversation history from every channel in a single view to keep every employee up-to-date and ready to deliver a personalized customer experience.
Ditch the spreadsheet and save your team time.
Save your team hours with a modern, actionable CRM that grows with every new contact. Search efficiently, organize customers on important attributes, and manage conversations or initiate payments all from one convenient tool.
Make your marketing 2x more effective.
Send the right message to the right customer by using tags in Contacts. Personalizing even one attribute can make text marketing twice as effective, doubling your customer response and doubling your revenue—every time you press send.
Hear from happy RockitPRO customers.
ECW Home Improvements
Home Services
response rate increaseTiffany & Co.
<10 minute
response timeToyota
saved per year
Attract more. Convert faster. Repeat.
Save time on routine tasks to convert leads faster.
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Manage all text and email conversations in one place.
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Make and receive calls over both desktop and mobile.
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Get paid faster with textable links or Tap to Pay.
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Text Marketing
Market your business easier through bulk text.